Choose from a variety of portfolios designed to meet your investment needs

Unlock your ability to create AutoWealth portfolios!

Congratulations! We are now in the process of verifying your account (). Please submit the necessary documents via email if you have not done so.

Welcome back! A unique link has been sent to your email.
Please use the unique link to continue with the onboarding process.

Have Singpass Account?
Have Singgpass Account

Retrieve your personal information using MyInfo for instant account opening.

Supporting documents waived if eligible.

Only available to Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident or Foreign Identification Number (FIN) holder

No Singpass Account?
No Singpass Account

You may fill in the application form manually but it may take a few working days to process.

Supporting documents are required.


As part of the account opening process, we will also facilitate the opening of a personal custody account. Tiger Broker is our default for investment made via cash. Click HERE if you prefer to open a custody acount with Saxo Markets.